4. How can lift my droopy eyebrows?
One of the major concerns we see in the clinic is the complaint people have about the space between the eyes and the eyebrows that gets less with aging. While Botox injections can temporarily take care of this issue, in some case it can actually cause more droopy eyebrows after a few injections. thread lift works the best to lift the eyebrows without creating any adverse side effects. This procedure helps increase the space between the eyes and the eyebrows and gives a more youthful look.
5. How can I lift the tail of my eyebrow?
Thread lift is one of the best methods to lift eyebrows’ tails in a very controllable way. It is the only non-invasive way in which we can actually lift any part of the eyebrows.
6. What is the best way to take care of the sagging skin of the neck?
Thread lift procedure helps to lift sagging skin in the neck and tighten the skin under the skin (double chin) to create a sharp jawline. It also helps to rejuvenate the skin on the neck.
7. Is there an age limit with regards to receiving thread face-lift?
Thread lift can be performed on individuals between the ages of 18 to 75. The most common age range for this procedure is between 25 to 65 years old.
8. Can we use the threads for the frown lines?
Threads (including Mono and Spiral threads) can be inserted in the frown lines and the forehead lines to help restructure the skin and rejuvenate. The benefits of the threads are that they do not freeze the facial expressions. They stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of the fine lines.
9. What are the threads?
Threads are made of polydioxanone which are injected into the skin with the use of special needles. is a protein-based material that is widely used in medical suturing and the threads are absorbable.
10. What is the thread face-lift?
Thread face-lift is a non- invasive and non- surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate the skin and lift sagging skin.
11. What is the difference between the injectables and the threads?
Injectables including Botox and dermal fillers function completely different from the threads. Botox is mainly used to freeze the lines between the eyebrows and dermal fillers are injected into the cheek and nasolabial folds. They don’t stimulate any collagen production and their effects disappear after they get absorbed into the body. However, threads can be inserted into different parts of the face and neck to help stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin. Barbed Cog threads are used to create immediate lift in the jowls, jawlines, Marionette lines, cheeks and neck; it is something that cannot be achieved with the injectables.
12. Can I still do thread face-lift if I had injectable on my face?
Yes. You can have thread lift procedure while you have Botox or dermal fillers under your skin; however, it is important to remember to avoid the injectables two months before and two months after the thread lift procedure.
13. What are the benefits of thread?
- Lifting sagging jowls
- Making V-shape jawline
- Eyebrow lift
- Removing Marionette lines
- Creating prominent cheeks
- Neck lift
- Stimulating collagen production
- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
– Tightening skin
– Improving skin tone
– Improving skin color
– Slowing down skin aging
– Rejuvenating the skin
– Hydrating skin
14. What are the kinds of threads?
There are two main categories of threads: Mono and Spiral (collagen- stimulating threads) and Barbed Cog threads (produce instant lift). Mono threads are inserted under the skin to stimulate collagen production. They stay under the skin for a period of 3-4 months and continuously stimulate collagen production. They don’t produce results right away, but the results are seen gradually. The barbed cog threads have spines along them; once inserted under the skin, they tend to hook up to the skin and create immediate lift. The results are instant.
15. Is thread lifting safe?
Yes. thread is also called Polydioxanone Suture Threads. It is an absorbable sterile suture thread. The threads have been used in the operating room for a variety of surgical procedures for decades in the whole world. Doctor often use them for General surgery procedures, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Cardiovascular surgery, Maxillofacial surgery, Eye Surgery and almost all other surgical procedures. It is a very safe and commonly used material that is inserted under the skin.
16. Are there any side effects with the thread lift procedure
Depending on the anatomy of small vessels in the individuals face, there is a possibility for bruising and swelling to occur for a few days. In a worst-case scenario, bruising can last up to 10 days.
17. What do I need to avoid before the thread lift?
It would beneficial to follow the following instructions prior to the thread lift procedure. You need to avoid alcohol, Advil, Aleve (Naproxen), Any anti-inflammatory medications, Ginkgo, Vitamin E, Omega fish oil, Aspirin starting five days before the procedure.
18. What do I need to avoid after the Thread Lift procedure?
Depending on what specific thread lift procedure you receive, you will be given a list of instructions to follow after the procedure. In general, you should avoid massaging or rubbing the treated areas, steam room, sauna, heavy exercises, dental treatments, swimming (pool, ocean water), waxing for two weeks following the procedure. You need to avoid tanning beds, Botox, Dermal Fillers, any facial treatments, Microneedling (Dermapen), Radio-Frequency (RF), IPL, CO2, PRP, any Laser or other heat treatments near the treated area.
19. Who cannot receive the thread lift procedure (contraindications)?
- Patients who bruise or bleed easily (hemophiliacs, etc.)
- Patients on certain types of medications which are called blood thinners such as aspirin, Coumadin (warfarin), Xarelto, Eliquis, Plavix.
- Patients who have had cosmetic surgery in the last 6 months.
- Pregnancy
- Cancer patients
- Psoriasis on the face
20. What areas can be treated with threads?
Mono/spiral threads can be inserted into different parts of the face and neck to stimulate collagen production. Barbed cog threads are used to lift the jowls, jawline, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, and neck.
21. How long is the downtime?
Depending on the anatomy of small vessels in the individuals face, bruising and swelling may last up to 10 days.
22. How long does it take to see the results?
Results can be seen immediately after the procedure.