Many couples struggle with infertility – a condition that’s emotionally and psychologically taxing for both parties. Individuals facing this challenge often choose to explore Traditional Chinese Medicine as an alternative to costly conventional treatments. Acupuncture operates on the principle that a healthy body must possess well balanced Qi (energy) and consistent blood flow in order to successfully navigate the physiological changes associated with pregnancy.
Fertility and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the belief that health and wellness hinges on a balance between body and nature. A popular alternative method for the treatment of infertility, acupuncture assists in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. It also helps harmonize hormones levels in both male and female patients, supporting the conception effort by reducing stress and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization
Physical and psychological wellbeing are key contributors to the successful implementation of in vitro fertilization. Acupuncture can help prepare the female body for the introduction of fertilized eggs, while minimizing the emotional duress inherent in the process. For successful IVF cases, acupuncture assists in creating a stress-free biological environment for both mother and child.
Acupuncture and Fertility
Thorough protocols are followed when employing acupuncture as a fertility treatment. Prior to your first session, the practitioner will perform an assessment to gauge the nature of your body’s imbalances, asking questions related to your physical functions, emotional health, sexual activity and sleep patterns. The assessment ends with an examination of the pulse and tongue – steps that provide insights into your blood, organs and vital energy.
Each diagnosis and treatment is specific to the patient and her particular situation. Typically, natural therapies include various combinations of acupuncture, herbs and dietary recommendations. Traditional Chinese Medicine prepares the body for the best possible chance of conception and bring hope to couples experiencing infertility. Book a consultation to learn more.
This post is part of a series of articles dedicated to Women’s Conditions, including yeast infection, fertility and menopause.